News ID: 2642
Publish Date : 20 May 2018 - 09:15

Volkswagen Leaves Iran: But It has Just Arrived

Donald Trumps’ pressures on industry of Iran is getting stronger and it affected the automotive industry. The European companies are doubtful about keeping their relation with Iran.
Khodrocar – After US president’s pressures on companies that are working with Iran, some of these companies announced that they will not continue their cooperation with Iran and the others are doubtful.

There are rumors that the Volkswagen is packing everything to leave Iran. Previously, this company signed a contract with Mammut in order to cooperate but with these conditions, we must see how the Iranian company is going to deal with US president’s pressure. Maybe this company must look for another company.

However, the Peugeot and Citroen announced that they would remain in Iran.
Does United States has the power to make the European companies leave Iran? What will be the faith of automotive industry of Iran?

Amirhosein Kakaei, tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Few scenarios are possible. One of them is that the European companies like Peugeot and Citroen would remain in Iran. Maybe no new contracts will be signed but it will not hurt the existing contracts.”

He continues: "The other scenario is that United States of America will make the companies leave Iran, because they are really serious about it. However, it will not affect the existing contracts.”

Domestic Development
Kakaei says that continuation of Iran's cooperation with Europeans depends on the type of sanctions because even with them, we can continue our production in our industries. During this period, domestic development will get more stronger which it needs a huge investment.

Also Mohammadreza Najafi Manesh, Chairman of Part Manufacturers and Chairman of the Business Facilitation Commission in Iran’s Chamber of Commerce expresses his idea about this issue: "This time, United States wants damage Iran’s industry seriously. On the other hand, major American companies have not decided yet whether to leave Iran or not.”

Najafi Manesh continues: "United States is putting so much pressure on countries like China and it is not clear that they will remain or leave Iran.”

Peugeot And Renault Are Priorities
Najafi Manesh tells Khodrocar about the departure of Volkswagen that just signed a contract with Mammut: "Currently, Renault and Peugeot are priorities. Their presence are essential for our automotive industry.”

Khodrocar – These days, the future of Iran’s industry is unknown because of the sanctions. But the automotive industry is one of Trump’s priorities and seems that it will hurt more than others. Now we should see that how these strong sanctions would affect this industry.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh